17 Dec 2022

Endorsement by cardiology leaders

The Collaborative welcomes the endorsement of our Guidance in the joint opinion by world cardiology leaders European Society of Cardiology, American Heart Association, World Heart Federation and American College of Cardiology about the need for better RCTs in this rapidly changing and increasingly global world.
We are pleased to see that they support the key approach of our Guidance as clearly set out in their “Aims for revised guidelines for clinical trials”.
The leaders also declare their support of the adoption of our Guidance into regulation, guidance and practice across the whole clinical trials ecosystem, noting in their press release that our Guidance is “an important step forward in ensuring we are able to optimize our efforts to provide the best possible patient care and outcomes when it comes to new and emerging medical therapies, devices or treatment strategies”.

Read their joint opinion here and their press release here

Endorsement by cardiology leaders Good Clinical Trials Collaborative