Our people

Our team

  • Martin Landray: Martin is our Senior Lead. He is also CEO of Protas, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology at the University of Oxford and a consultant hospital physician. Martin has over 20 years’ experience in leading large, randomized trials and is a joint lead of the RECOVERY trial of treatments for Covid-19. He also works closely with regulators, industry, academia, patient groups and government organizations to improve all aspects of clinical trials, and was a lead contributor to the G7 Clinical Trials Charter and the 100 Days Mission for Pandemic Preparedness.
  • Nick Medhurst: Nick is our Team Lead. He previously worked for patient representative organizations supporting people with breast cancer and cystic fibrosis (CF). He is a board member of CF Europe, a membership organization of patient representative groups, to represent and defend the interest of people with CF.
  • Katie Thorne: Katie is our Project Manager. She previously managed strategic projects within not-for-profit organizations focused on improving young people’s health and wellbeing. Katie has been involved in national campaigns with far-reaching impact, including securing free school meals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Katie holds a Master of Law in Crisis and Disaster Management. 
  • Farida Ben-Younis: Farida is our Senior Research Officer. She previously worked at a scientific research funder in areas including infectious diseases and climate change, where she was involved in the planning of funding calls.
  • Stefan Gold: Stefan is our Scientific Advisor. He is Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and Immunology at Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, with more than 15 years’ experience in conducting investigator-initiated clinical trials in Europe and the US, evaluating both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neurological and psychiatric diseases. 

Steering group

  • Janice Chang: TransCelerate BioPharma Inc
  • Alethea Cope: Wellcome Trust
  • Mimi Darko: Food and Drug Authority Ghana
  • Jim Elliott: Health Research Authority UK
  • Jeremy Farrar: World Health Organization
  • Ian Hudson: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Dorcas Kamuya: KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Program 
  • Martin Landray: Good Clinical Trials Collaborative
  • Kathryn Maitland: KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Program 
  • Vasee Moorthy: World Health Organization  
  • Amrit Ray: Biopharmaceutical R&D Executive & Independent Board Director
  • Jessica Salzwedel: AVAC


  • Peter Arlett: European Medicines Agency
  • Robert Califf: Food and Drug Administration USA
  • Emer Cooke: European Medicines Agency
  • Khair Elzarrad: Food and Drug Administration USA
  • Janet Woodcock: Food and Drug Administration USA

Former members

  • Nancy Roach: Fight Colorectal Cancer 
  • Fergus Sweeney: European Medicines Agency 
  • Soumya Swaminathan: World Health Organization